What is Elsewhere?
Don’t crack the door for the devil, or he’ll put his foot in the jam.
“Elsewhere ain’t somethin’ that you know, it’s somethin’ that you feel. You feel it down in the pit of yer belly when you stare up into a starless night. When you close your eyes in the small hours and the dark thoughts come clawin’ in, that’s Elsewhere whisperin’ to you. It’s what your sins feed and where your nightmares are born. It’s that feelin’ of bein’ watched as you walk through the woods, when you’re standin’ at the edge of a cliff and somethin’ tells you, just one more step.
Scripture calls it Hell. Some so-called learned folk say it’s another dimension, or some sort of psychic such-and-such. Don’t fret none about what you call it, don’t ply your mind to comprehendin’ it, as it’ll start comprehendin’ you. Any that ruminate on it for too long gamble with more than their sanity, but their very sacred soul. All you really need ken is that Elsewhere ain’t friendly…and it ain’t from ‘round here.”
-Reverend Hezekiah Pace, preacher of the Church of Ashes